Thursday, 1 September 2011

The truth about Mount Sinai and the two tablets...

An often sited problem with religion is that relies too heavily on oral transmission of information. In the absence of devices that enable the accurate recording of events as they happen, history is subject to fabrications and miscommunications. In fact, one of the gravest and most propagated fallacies is that Moses spent forty days on Mount Sinai receiving the Bible from G-d and inscribing ten commandments into two pieces of stone. In reality, this is only partly true. Yes Moses and G-d were having a serious chin-wag, but it was not concerning the laws that would guide the future of the Israelites, it was about a far more pressing issue, and one that would continue to divide the world until this very day. Apple or Android... which is better? So serious was the debate on Sinai that G-d sent Moses down the mountain with two working tablets, each running a competing software, with the view that the people below would help end the debate. However, this mission did not achieve its objectives. So pertinent was the debate that the Israelites began to question the very existence of an almighty G-d. If there was a G-d, why would He force his disciples to make such difficult decisions? Debate turned to anger, and anger turned to violence, and propelled by the storm of emotions below him, Moses slammed the two tablets into the mountain’s side. It was only as the last pixel dissipated from the shattered glass beneath his feet that the gravity of his actions hit him... for the next forty years the Israelites would be lost:

Exodus 34:1:
And as Moses didith slameth’d the tablets onto the side of Sinai didst he see the error of his ways. For he had preinstalled the route to the land of Milk and Honey on his Google maps. So Moses did turnith to the Lord and he said ‘EPIC FAIL,’ and the Lord did turn his face unto Moses and said ‘LMFAO’.