How many Fortune 500 CEOs can you name? Probably not too many, and that is because there are few CEOs who are synonymous with the brand that they represent. The fact the Steve Jobs is a household name is testimony to the legacy that he has left behind at Apple; the world’s most profitable, forward-thinking and creative technology company. In Apple, Steve Jobs has not only created a universal brand, iconic designs and international admiration, he has created a way of life that is emphatically followed by many. The involvement that Jobs has had in every aspect of Apple’s products is such, that not only was he a captain who steered his ship, he helped procure the materials to build it, select the men who ran it and design the sails that carried it forward. But is Apple’s strength also its achilles heel? What happens when the man who is Apple, leaves Apple?
When the leader of a company is so much a part of it, the gravest fears for investors is what happens when that omnipresent entity leaves? Fortunately for investors and employees of Apple alike, this transition is one that has been in the making since 2004, when Jobs contracted pancreatic cancer. His battle with the disease, and his subsequent public appearances, illustrated to the world that his ability to serve indefinitely at the helm of Apple was not a possibility. Consequently, in Jobs’ intermittent absences from the company Tim Cook, soon to be Apple CEO, was given the responsibility of the day-today running of the business. Over the years Cook has played an active role in what has arguably been Apple’s greatest hour, and thus the notion that the company will fall to pieces now that Jobs has officially left, is a somewhat sentimental.
Steve Jobs is a visionary, a perfectionist and a man whose passion and strive for innovation has made him one of tech’s most influential and admired ambassadors. Although Apple will dearly miss his leadership, its employees, as well as fans of its products, need not worry about its future. Apple was Jobs’ baby and one would be foolish to believe that he would leave its fate in incapable hands. He has prepared Cook for the role and over the years has ensured that his wisdom and love of design has filtered through the each echelon of the company. The announcement today of Jobs’ departure sent Apple stock falling 5%, which although appears to be a dramatic fall for what was recently paraded to be the world’s most valuable company, it is merely a minor hiccup. In September Apple will announce the iphone 5 and this temporary drop in share price will be consumed by market confidence and consumer frenzy for the world’s hottest must-have gadget. A frenzy that will be fuelled further by the Q1 release of the ipad 3!
For Apple the future will continue to be a prosperous one. Although Jobs has stepped down as CEO, he will retain a position on the board and will continue to be an employee of the company, allowing him to keep an eye on its progress. This Apple may have lost its core, but it definitely hasn't crumbled.
If you have a spare few minutes, check out the video below of Steve Jobs delivering a very powerful speech. It’s a great watch for anyone who wants to be inspired or who is struggling to see the present fruits of their labours. Enjoy!
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